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ESG is Mushy

You have solid Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals, needs, and achievements. But clearly communicating about ESG to your stakeholders is a challenge. Many of them can't touch it, grasp it, or relate to it. They struggle to connect the dollars spent to the outcomes delivered. Now that real money is on the line, they are nervous about weathering an ESG audit. Your stakeholders need a level of certainty few can deliver.


We Deliver ESG Certainty

RAC authenticates and communicates your ESG achievement. ESGRAC partners with certification programs, compliance technologies, and risk mitigation tools to turn your good works into Regenerative Authentication Credits - or RACs.


RACs offer the tangible, auditable, immutable record of ESG achievement that will allow your stakeholders to finally get comfortable with fully unlocking the potential of your ESG program.

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Someone doing good work, with or without the intention of being financially rewarded…

…who diligently records her or his actions in a fully auditable and unassailable manner…

…shouldn't have to solely shoulder the financial burden of making our society more sustainable.

Using RACs
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The community can share in the investment needed to do that good work...

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…by purchasing a Regenerative Authentication Credit (RAC) proving the work was done…

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…which permanently stores the intangible value of that good work using blockchain validation.

What is a RAC?
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A RAC is a contract that defines or transfers the intangible value of an ESG relevant action...

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...based on blockchain validated evidence that can be publicly redacted...

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…while any sensitive evidence - from volunteer names to customer details - is permanently protected.

Home: What is a RAC
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Join our Network Today

Enter your details to request an ESG integration specialists help you add Regenerative Authentication Credit (RAC) enabled tools to your ESG certifications, technologies, or programs. RACs provide an open-source style commonalty for offering tangible references that turn traditional investors into ESG stakeholders.


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RAC is an open-source style technology framework that is focused on connecting the best tools, strategies, and certifications in the ESG community. Below is a selection of Partners who have integrated Regenerative Authentication Credits (RACs) into their ESG offerings.

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ESG Compliance Protection

What would you do if someone claimed your ESG data was faked? Des Moines Assurance financially protects its customers from challenges to the authenticity of their ESG documentation.


LCFS Credit Creation

Low Carbon Fuel Standard legislation rewards the users of low carbon fuels - if they can prove it. LCFCredit allows trucking companies to quickly and easily earn cash for every gallon of biofuel used.

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Grease Compliance Tech

GreaseTrack is a Software as a Service (SaaS) operations platform for small to mid-sized grease collectors, processors, and FOG service providers - offering fully integrated compliance documentation.

Home: Our Team

“Companies and investors are not monetizing the full values of the sustainability business case... If the industry and practice of ESG investing is to continue this evolution, real quality has to be driven from within — starting with the availability of quality, independent data by which accurate and important investment decisions can be made."

Elena Philipova, Global Head, ESG Proposition, at Refinitiv [ref Institutional Investor]

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